Welcoming the Golden Ox
This week we have a New Moon in Aquarius that sets the stage for the Lunar New Year that’s celebrated around the globe. If you’re looking for a week to set intentions for the year, this is it!
The Aquarian new moon is the perfect theme for the year as the story shifts from government-ruling Capricorn to people-ruling Aquarius. New networks of people in business and social, such as Clubhouse (@tishamorris) will be forming, along with decentralizing systems once ruled by a few (DeFi, cryptocurrencies). This is not only the beginning of a new year, but a new decade.
Your inner and outer circles will likely change this year, if not already. COVID has pre-forced these changes upon us to shift almost everything in our life. We’ll be adjusting to all these changes this year. 2021 is a 5-year where we are now more adaptable to change. Who are your people, your tribe, your friends, and those in your business network? Referrals, collaborations, teams, memberships, community, and groups are all concepts to focus on for solo entrepreneurs.
In Chinese astrology, we’re entering the Year of the Golden Ox. It’s a relatively stabilizing energy compared to that Rat (buh bye 👋🏼). We’re still under the influence of the Metal element this year, however, which rules the lungs. We all know what that means - keep taking your minerals to maintain your immune system. What else is ruled by Metal? Decluttering. Yes, keep decluttering to help support you in the ongoing shifts into this new world. Out with the old you, in with the new decade you!