Tisha Morris

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The Schitt’s Creek We’re All In

8 Things We Can Learn From the Rose’s

(Warning: Possible spoilers)

It’s no wonder the meteoric popularity of the Pop show Schitt’s Creek is hitting its high right now. Even though the show premiered in 2015 and is now in its final episodes, it didn’t find its audience until Netflix picked it up in. As it comes to a close, we’ve all fallen in love with the Rose’s. Just in time to learn from them.

The show centers around a riches-to-rags family who end up buying and living in a small rural town, called Schitt’s Creek. The characters are brilliantly written and cast with its creator, Daniel Levy, playing the son, along with the comic genius of Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara.

As the seasons unfold, the Roses come to realize love and family mean more than money. 

Is it possible that we can all learn from the Rose’s as we face the biggest financial setback in history? It feels like we all owned a Rose Video franchise only to find out it’s outdated and no longer relevant. 

The Roses teach us is how to make lemonade out of lemons when life doesn’t go your way. They show us how to find joy when you find yourself living in a one-town cafe with few outlets and little money to spend. Here’s some tips on how the Rose’s figured it out in all areas of life:

On Business

Johnny uses his business experience and ingenuity to create a new business. He shows us that you can rebuild and if you did it once, you can do it again, although it might not be overnight. After all, it took six seasons.

On Marriage

Johnny and Moria (Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara) could hold relationship workshops in the way they support each other through the ups and downs. 

On Creativity

Moira continues practicing her acting chops even if it’s with the local community gals who are not of the same caliber as THE Moira Rose. Keep doing your art as your big break will come back around.

On Love

David finds love from someone who loves him for exactly who he is - something he could never imagined before. 

On Self-Improvement

Alexa digs deep to truly find herself without the distractions and appearances of her previous glam life. 

On Home

The Roses turn their motel rooms into a home without fancy furnishings. They make it work with four adults in a 500 square foot space, including Moira’s wigs and David’s sweaters LOL.

On Community

Despite the initial reluctance, the Roses find community amongst the townspeople and form meaningful relationships realizing their former friendships were superfluous at best. 

On Relationships

Ultimately, the Rose’s made it through this downturn happier than they were going in. They learned that what’s truly important is relationships - the closeness they formed within their family and in the community. Like any Hero’s Journey, they made it through their dark night of the soul to emerge stronger and wiser and ready to share their message to the world. 

Thank you, Rose Family, for showing us the way and perhaps the best medicine of all: lots of laughs.