Think Like an Aquarian
I hope you are healthy and safe during this extreme time. Saturn has moved in Aquarius giving us a bootcamp in using technology as our primary means of connecting to the world. We’re getting an exaggerated glimpse of what’s to come in how we do business in the future. We’re moving into an Aquarian era and this strange time is helping us prepare for it. I hope this post will give you some insights in how to use this time.
I am expectant and hopeful that quarantining will ease as we head towards Summer. You can blame Saturn in Aquarius for social distancing - what a wet blanket Saturn can be 😜 But it’s forcing us to clean up our boundaries, our home, our immune system, the waterways, and the planet as a whole.
We as a collective will move through this at the pace it takes to fully experience its benefits in bringing the yin yang balance back to the planet and into our lives.
“Our great Mother does not take sides, she protects the balance of life.” Zoe in Avatar
For example, in just a month, LA is addressing the homeless problem that has plagued the city for years. Pollution has eased all over the world. And we are appreciating nature again.
We’re getting a snapshot into a new economy and how we do business. Jobs that were once there, will not be. Working virtual and automation will become the norm. This means less office and retail spaces that will need to adapt. Not coincidental, on the day of the Saturn Pluto conjunction, one of the major news events was the announcement of numerous big box stores filing bankruptcy or closing down altogether.
We are being groomed for this new way of living that will officially start December 2020 with both Saturn and Jupiter conjuncting in Aquarius. This is the appetizer to Pluto entering Aquarius in 2023.
It’s been great to see many businesses finding new ways of transacting, from restaurant to yoga studios. I am available for business coaching if anyone needs help adapting your business to these changing times.
To see what industries will thrive in the future, look to what’s working right now. Obviously Amazon. They’re adding hundreds of thousands of jobs. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the Amazon behemoth, the reality is that it’s what’s working. This model can also work for smaller, even home-based, product businesses.
The healthcare industry and alternative medicine will continue to be in demand. As stress increases, so do our health challenges. Distant learning platforms will only be enhanced. Also, creatives, such as writers, musicians, actors, and entertainers whose work can be distributed digitally will continue to do well. This includes all forms of entertainment through streaming.
Like we used to say when playing hide-and-go-seek, “Ready or not, here I come.” Whether you like it or not, technology is here in a big way. Whether you agree with 5G, it’s here (or will be soon).
Thank you to all the healthcare workers, grocery clerks, scientists, restaurant workers, and all those keeping us healthy, sane, and functioning!