4 Steps to Manifest Anything

Manifestation refers to the process of turning ideas and thoughts into physical form. This is integral to being spiritual beings in physical form and for our inevitable evolutionary expansion.

Ideas come to us and we find a way to bring them into our physical reality. For example, you come up with a story, you write a book. You have an idea for a product and you make it. You visualize a picture and paint it. You have a craving and you cook it.

Ideas run rampant through our collective consciousness. We usually like to take credit for a great idea, but really you are a frequency match to that idea that is out there floating around the collective conscious.

The vibrational match is based upon your point of focus and your point of focus is usually based on what you most enjoy (but could also be what comes easy to you and/or that which is part of your karmic life purpose that you are not consciously aware of yet).

Elizabeth Gilbert gave a brilliant example of this in her book, Big Magic. She played around with a book idea that was floating around. When she didn’t take the appropriate action to bring the story to fruition, it got picked up by another author who was of a vibrational match to the story idea - Ann Patchett.

Ideas come in through the upper chakras. The throat chakra is the bridge between the manifest and the unmanifest. The manifestation process is essentially moving energy in through the chakra and down to the Earth with the throat chakra being the bridge via our voices and our hands being the conduits.

People tend to either have a lot of ideas, but challenged in manifesting them. These people relate more to the upper chakras and the spiritual realm. Other people work well in the production side of the physical world, but challenged with coming up with their own ideas. These types of people relate more to the lower chakras and the physical realm. We have the potential to be balanced in both areas.

Turning thoughts into form is in essence Alchemy. We are all alchemists.  And there is a formula of sorts to this process. By intentionally working with these steps, you will speed up the process, particularly in the order as listed, from lightest to densest of energy.

Step 1: Visualize  

Our ability to visualize comes to us through the third eye chakra, just between the eyebrows. Some people are more adept at visualizing than others, although we all have the ability to do so. Visualization provides the first energetic blueprint of the idea.

Step 2: Write it Down

Putting pen to paper is the quickest and easiest way to bring the idea into physical form. This is why we are often told to write down our goals or intentions.

Step 3: Create Symbols

Symbols are the language of the subconscious mind. They were the earliest form of communication and still rule the collective consciousness. This is why a dream dictionary has universal application. Symbols can be understood by our deepest psyche and unlock memories stored for lifetimes. This is much of the basis of Jungian psychology.

If there are any symbols associated with your idea, imagine them and more importantly being to write, draw, scribble, or paste those symbols. Symbols can simply be drawings of your idea. A storyboard, a vision board, your dream house blueprint, characters for a story, prototype for a product, sketch of a storefront, or even the beginnings of a logo.

Step 4: Create a Prototype

For some ideas this will be essential. When I first came up with the idea for the Smudge Spray, I spent many months experimenting with the formula, the right bottle, and label. Many prototypes were created. For non-product items, the prototype could be a business plan, book proposal, or artist sketch. From this stage, trial and error will be used to formulate the final manifestation.

This formula works for manifesting anything, including manifesting a partner. Visualize the type of person you want, write down characteristics you desire, create symbols or drawings of your life together. The prototype stage would be the dating process. Does this person fit what I want, or not. Most likely, it will help clarify your vision.

Think of the manifesting process as moving from the energetic world to the physical world. The more you can make it physical, the closer you will make it real. We all have the next great idea. But can you make it real? This is the human experience.


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